Thursday, December 26, 2019
French Near Future Tense Futur Proche
The French near futureâ€â€futur procheâ€â€is a verb construction that is used to express something that is going to happen soon, an upcoming event that will occur in the near future. Note that in French, this verb tense is called futur proche; to avoid misspelling this term, notice that the French spelling of futur does not have an e on the end, unlike future in English. The Concept of Time The near future in French, as in English, illustrates the fluidity of time. There is the straightforward futureâ€â€I will eat, or Je mangeraiâ€â€and there is the near futureâ€â€I am going to eat, or Je vais mangerâ€â€which assumes a time a little earlier than the future. Likewise, in constructions involving the present, there is the straightforward presentâ€â€I eat, or Je mangeâ€â€and the continuous present, which assumes a continuous process completed in the presentâ€â€I am eating, or Je suis en train de manger, meaning Im in the process of eating. The fact that the continuous present action begins in the present prevents any point on the timeline of that continuous action from being considered the near future or future. Forming "FuturProche" The futur proche, or near future, is formed by combining the present of aller, which means to go, with the infinitive of the action verb, a single word that is the basic, unconjugated form of the verb. This makes the futur proche one of the easiest tenses to construct in the French language, and, as such, fairly foolproof. That said, it does require the user to correctly spell the present tense of aller. The Present Tense of "Aller" Before forming future proche, familiarize yourself with the spellings of the present tense conjugations of aller. Je vais I goTu vas You goIl va He goesNous allons We goVous allez You (plural) goIls vont They go Note that one common mistake French language beginners make is incorrectly saying je va instead of je vais. Combine the Present Tense of "Aller"' With an Infinitive To indicate that you will do something, that someone else will do something, or that something will occur in the near future, combine the present tense of aller with an infinitive. Note that you are not using the infinitive of aller, which is simply aller. Instead, use the correct present-tense use of aller, which is determined by the pronouns that follow it: je (I), tu (you), il (he), nous (we), vous (you plural), and ils (they), as demonstrated in the examples. Je vais voir Luc.  Im going to see Luc.Il va arriver.  Hes going to arrive.Nous allons manger.  Were going to eat.Je vais à ©tudier.  I am going to study.Vas-tu nous aider?  Are you going to help us?Nous allons partir dans cinq minutes.  Were going to leave in five minutes. Additional Resources As you brush up on future proche, take a few minutes to review the rules for French future tense, infinitives, verb timelines, and present tense.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Urbanization Of Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt And The Indus...
Urbanization can be defined as a rapid shift in population of a group living in a specific area. This typically happens when the society decides that it is more advantageous to settle, rather than migrate. Throughout ancient history, we have seen various groups of civilization to adept different forms of urbanization near river valleys. These cities include the regions near Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus valley. Even though their lifestyle might have revolved the valley as a main source of development, their cultures and beliefs differed greatly from each other. Through the archeological discoveries, we can infer some details into the lives of the people who originated in the cities of Mesopotamia. The root word of Mesopotamia refers to ‘between rivers’, this infers to the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, figure 1. Because the environment influenced people to settle, we can see a change in their political, social, and economic structure as they begin to form a complex society. This is the period where we see a complex engineering system as people started to develop canals and other technologies for a more efficient agricultural development. An early culture to settle in the lowlands of Mesopotamia were the Hassuna culture, their civilization were characterized by â€Å"small settlements with a few hundred inhabitants, who lived in rectangular houses with several rooms†(Feuerbach, 2015). Another culture to settle in this area were the Samarran culture; evenShow MoreRelatedMesopotamia, Egypt, and Indus Valley Essay813 Words  | 4 Pagesfascinating developments, the most prominent being the first civilizations, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. They had many similarities, such as characteristics of early civilizations and social structures, but they also had their differences. 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It does however affect the stage a great deal. Mountainous areas act as blockades, which keep the societies independent, plains open up the area, and rivers enable everything to move around freely. 2 In Mesopotamia, the Tigris and Euphrates River played a tremendous role in the formation of this great early society. 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The deforestation made Egypt’s trade go from the Nile Valley to the Red Sea which made the materials available to Meroe’s kingdom disappear. 3) What role did the environment play in their history? The role of Meroe’s environment made the people of the kingdom such as merchants, farmers etc less dependent on irrigation systems. The overall population did not need to live by the Nile unlike Egypt who was in need of the irrigation system. Axum 4) How does the development ofRead MoreWater Scarcity Of Clean Water1508 Words  | 7 Pagessome of the first civilizations â€Å"in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, the Indus Valley, Andean South America, and central Mexico, for example, ancient civilizations emerged in areas with natural water sources and agricultural land that supported a densely settled subject populace†(Lucero). In these civilizations water meant power and â€Å"elite control of water for agricultural production allowed leaders to exact tribute from the local population†(Lucero). 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Gambia Essay Example For Students
Gambia Essay HISTORY:The Gambia, translated from the French La Gambia was first colonized by Portugal in 1445 on what was later named St. Marys Island. Subsequently, the area was visited by France and later, Britain who began to build strong trading posts along its western shores. In the 1700s The Gambia was proclaimed to be part of Britain. By 1969 The Gambia became a republic within the British commonwealth of nations. In 1982 it was declared a republic in what was later declared the Senegambian conference. The Gambia stated its independence from Britain and the Province of Senegal. The Gambia then established The Peoples Progressive Party led by, Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara , until the change of government in 1994. Today The Gambia lives under a multi-party system. The Constitution of the Second Republic of The Gambia provides elections by making everyone over the age of 18 pay suffrage. Every five years the people elect 45 candidates that make up the countys National Assembly. Four parties made up the 1996 elections. The Alliance for Patriotic Re-Orientation and Construction (APRC), The United Democratic Party (UDP), The National Reconciliation Party (NRP), and The Peoples Democratic Organization for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS). On October 18, 1996 Yahya Jammeh (ADRC) won 56% of the votes to become the new president of The Gambia. The flag consist of three horizontal stripes. From top to bottom they are: red, blue, then green. Sorry I couldnt get a color print on the flag pictured below. TOPOGRAPHY:The Gambia is a long narrow country focusing around the central river that gave them their name. The Gambia river is 300 miles long inside The Gambia and is about 3 miles wide at most points. The Gambia has a total land area of 4,000 miles. It is relatively flat with few mountains and has an inward sloping bowl shape from where the Gambia river once covered. The Gambia river opens into the ocean at the western most tip of The Gambia. The capital, Banjul, is located near the inlet to the river and is a very large city with many tourist attractions and shops to buy stuff in. The Gambia is located completely within the county of Senegal from which it won its independence. The river is navigable up to 241km inland. After that point is impossible to further follow the river without the aid of a specialized boat for such a trip. Gambia is known to have the most agreeable climate in the whole of West Africa because of their amazingly mild climate which keeps the temperatur! e ran ge between 70F and 80F in the winter, and 80F and 90F in the summer. The one failure in their weather is their unusually high humidity, ranging from 30% to 60% all year long. POPULATION GROWTH:Since first colonized by the Portuguese, The Gambias population has steadily risen quadraticaly. This graph shows that if this trend continues then The Gambia might soon run into problems with hunger and lack of space. The estimated population in 1950 was 500 thousand people which grew to 600 in 1960, 730 in 1970, 960 in 1980, and finally the population today is estimated to be around 1.2 million people. ECONOMICS:The economics of The Gambia are highly reliant on their agriculture which consists of bananas, cassava, corn, hides and skins, limes, goats, cattle, sheep, mangoes, millet, oranges, palm kernels, papayas, peanuts, rice, and vegetables. Recently though, the government has put millions of dollars into tourism as to create a more stable less reliant economy. EXPORTS:BananasCassavaCornHides and SkinsLimesGoatsCattleSheepMangoesMilletOrangesPalm kernelsPapayasPeanutsRiceVegetablesGOVERNMENT:Right now, The Gambia, Is under the control of The Alliance for Patriotic Re-Orientation and Construction (APRC), led by Yahya Jammeh. The country is a republic with everyone over the age of 18 who pays suffrage to the country being able to vote for the president and the 45 members of the National Assembly. These people then represent the people by voting on all bills and laws passed by the senate. Before The Gambia became under republic rule, it was governed by the military after they threw over the government in1994 soon to be re-overthrown by the people of The Gambia. .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb , .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .postImageUrl , .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb , .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb:hover , .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb:visited , .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb:active { border:0!important; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb:active , .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8118765e802e6184da00c25a3547c3eb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Visual Arts Essay PaperNATIONAL ANTHEM:For the gambia our homelandFor The Gambia, our homelandWe strive and work and pray,That all may live in
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Rise Of The USA As A Superpower Essays - Energy,
The Rise of the USA as a Superpower The Rise of the USA as a Superpower The development and use of nuclear power has led to the United States assuming a position as the true World Military Superpower. The Unites States was the leader in planning, building, testing and actually using the most powerful nuclear weapon known to man. This country also led the world in relatively safe production of nuclear power. The only other competitor to the United States, the Soviet Union, had poor leaders, induced a poor economy, and eventually led the country to lose the race for superpower. During World War II, the United States began the research and development of the atomic bomb. Code-named the Manhattan Project, it took place in a government built city in New Mexico called Los Alamos. General Leslie Groves and physicist Robert Oppenheimer led the research to create this atomic bomb. The mission was to build, test and, if necessary, unleash an atomic bomb. With the many people working on creating and building this bomb, they completed it within the short amount of time given. In July of 1945, they tested the nuclear bomb in New Mexico. It was a success. The very next month, an atomic bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima. Only a few days later, the atomic bomb "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki. It was around this time that the United States found out that nobody, not even Germany or the Soviet Union, was anywhere close to competing with the U.S. in atomic weaponry. The atomic bomb was dropped not only to end the war with the Japanese, but to show the world, especially the Soviet Union, how powerful the United States was in its government, its military, its technology, and its people. The fact that it was a new bomb and being the first type of its kind ever created also caused an eagerness to use the bomb and see how it would work. These three factors are the reasons behind the United States dropping the atomic bomb on Japan, as they unknowingly and unintentionally began the nuclear age and the Cold War. The Cold War began as World War II was ending. The United States and the Soviet Union came out of the previous war nearly equal in strength, with the United States having the upper hand, being the first to create and use such intense nuclear power. It was during this time that these countries were competing to become the World Superpower. Nuclear power, for the purposes of electricity as well as weaponry, was going to be the determining factor as to who would be the greater Superpower. The United States leadership was strong and organized. The economy was good and growing stronger. The Soviet Union was not doing as well. Formerly being under the rule of Stalin, with strict centralization where it was only the highest party levels that made any and all decisions who ruled by decree and enforced with terror, the Soviet people and economy was stagnating. Strict centralization continued and eventually led to economic decline, inefficiency, and apathy during the 1970s and 1980s, and contributed to the Chernobyl' nuclear disaster. The great disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986 was the final string cut that led not only to the Soviet Union losing its war to become the greatest World Superpower, but furthermore, the collapse of the Soviet system. The Chernobyl Nuclear Powerplant was being run by people who made mistakes maintaining the power supply, who were tired of their own country, and who simply didn't care. This careless conduct led to poor maintenance and low output of nuclear power. To correct for this, some steps were taken to increase the power output. During the effort to correct the low power output, one final error occurred, and the consequences were tremendous. One of the reactors exploded and released huge doses of radiation. The ambitious nuclear power program of the Soviet Union was now over. The Unites States led the world in nuclear technology by producing the atomic bomb, and had the courage to use it - twice. This proved to the world that the United States was a Superpower they should fear. The United States also had good leaders whom kept the economy strong, and kept the people in order. The Soviet Union however, trailed behing the United States. They did not have the technology to produce the amount of nuclear power that the United States had, nor the economy to support the research. Their economy was not only poor, but also continually declining. With these
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