Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Crack essays
Crack essays Crack (rock) and cocaine are both stimulant drugs, which are widely used in our country today. They both present problems for us because of their potency and highly addicted addicts that can not seem to escape their grasp. Crack and cocaine also have various street names such as coke, snow, blow, base, C, ice, flake, sniff, rock and the list goes on. Cocaine is sold in a white powder form, which is sniffed, injected, or smoked (free-basing) and is much more expensive than its cousin crack (rock). Crack is a powerful form of cocaine and comes in a small crystal form, which is smoked, in a crack pipe or suitable utensil. "Cocaine by binding to the sites that normally reabsorb neurotransmitter molecules, cocaine blocks the reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. The extra neurotransmitter molecules therefore remain in the synapse, intensifying their normal mood altering effect and producing an euphoric rush. When the cocaine level drops, the absence of these neurotransmitters produces a crash"(D.G.Meyers PG 233). The high that a user will experience from cocaine lasts approximately fifteen to thirty minutes. Crack is another name given to cocaine, which has been processed with hydrochloride to a free basing state. " Rather than requiring the more volatile method of processing cocaine using ether, crack cocaine is processed with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water and heated to remove the hydrochloride, thus producing a form of cocaine that can be smoked. The term "crack" refers to the cracking sound heard when the mixture is smoked, presumably from the sodium bicarbonate".(NIDA's home PG 1). This process produces a small white to tan looking pellet that has the texture of porcelain. Crack smoke reaches the lung tissue through the bloodstream to the brain in seconds. Its instant effect or ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Pick Your College Classes
How to Pick Your College Classes The main reason youre in school is to earn your degree. Picking good courses at the right time and in the right order is, therefore, critical to your success. Talk to Your Advisor No matter how big or small your school is, you should have an adviser who helps make sure you are on track to earning your degree. Check in with them, no matter how sure you are about your choices. Not only does your adviser most likely need to sign off on your selections, but he or she can also help alert you to things you may not even have considered. Make Sure Your Schedule Has Balance Dont set yourself up for failure by thinking you can handle more courses than you usually take, all with labs and heavy workloads. Make sure your schedule has some balance: varying levels of difficulty, varying subject matters (when possible) so you arent using one part of your brain 24 hours a day, varying due dates for major projects and exams. Each course may be fine in and of itself, but when combined to create a killer schedule, they all may turn out to be a big mistake. Think About Your Learning Style Do you learn better in the morning? In the afternoon? Do you learn better in a huge classroom, or in a smaller section setting? See what options you can find within a department our course section and pick something that matches best with your learning style. Aim to Pick Strong Professors Do you know you absolutely love a certain professor in your department? If so, see if you can take a course with him or her this semester, or if it would be wiser to wait until a later time. If youve found a professor with whom you intellectually click, taking another class from him or her can help you get to know him or her better and possibly lead to other things, like research opportunities and letters of recommendation. If youre unfamiliar with professors on campus but know that you learn best from a professor who engages a class (instead of one who only lectures), ask around and check online to see what experience other students have had with various professors and their teaching styles. Consider Your Work Schedule and Other Commitments Do you know that you absolutely must have an on-campus job? Do you need an internship for your major? If so, will it require you to work days? Consider taking a class or two that meets in the evenings. Do you know you work best when you can plop yourself down in the library for eight hours straight? Try to avoid taking classes on Friday so that you can use it as a work day. Planning around your known commitments can help reduce your stress level once the semester is moving ahead at full-steam.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Palestinian settlement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Palestinian settlement - Essay Example Israel built 200,000 illegal Jewish settlements on the West Bank forcing up to 300,000 Palestinians out of their homes and destroying their settlements (Kevorkova). The Israeli-controlled municipality is asking the Palestinians to demolish their homes saying that they have been constructed illegally. The same set of authorities has made the permits very expensive for the Palestinians to afford. Many Palestinians have been so heart-broken that they are destroying their homes themselves rather than having the Israeli authorities do it to them by force. â€Å"Self-demolitions like this began a few years ago and have continuedâ€â€albeit somewhat under the mainstream media’s radarâ€â€ever since, with Palestinians compelled to destroy their own homes in order to avoid the steadily increasing fines leveled by the municipality†(Gilbert and Collins). The amount of land zoned for the Palestinian construction in the Shu’Fat neighborhood of East Jerusalem is far less than the population of the Palestinians in the city. This can be estimated from the fact that although the population of the Palestinians has become 300,000 in the city since the year 1967, the amount of land zoned for the Palestinian construction by the municipal authorities is no more than 9 per cent (Gilbert and Collins). On the West Bank, the Israeli army checks the papers of the Palestinian settlers in the area, randomly confiscates some of them, and herds them as well as their flocks away from the hilltop that has been so wanted by the Jewish settlement called Susiya. The Israeli officers arrest those who argue with them over the unjust orders of movement. Young Jewish settlers are increasingly establishing their mobile homes over the hilltops. â€Å"Armed with a list of military orders, Israeli soldiers are herding the West Bank’s Palestinians out of the rural 60% of the territory,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Strategy - Assignment Example Crystal Jade is listed as one of the top market performers and they still strive to maintain their position through laying various business strategies. Limited barriers to entry inform of patents and rights. Most of foods and beverages offered by Crystal Jade are not strictly regulated through patents and legal rights making it easier for other players to sell and offer similar goods and services. No technical skills required to start up a firm. Unlike in highly controlled industries such as law, engineering, and medical where technical skills is paramount no or limited technical ability is required to start and run a restaurant successfully Competitors are high in number and equally balanced in key areas of operation. Crystal Jade is face intense competition both locally and internationally. Key among its competitors include but not limited to Old Chang Kee, Sakae Sushi, KLG, Marrybrown Restaurant, Es Teler 77, and Hoka Hoka Bento. Crystal Jade has been enjoying political stability all its areas of operation. The company currently operates at least 121 outlets in approximately 9 different countries across Asia and in the United States all of which are political stabile. However being a multinational company Crystal Jade has to deal with varied public issues such as taxation policies, different trade and labour laws and regulations which may have direct impact on the operations of the business. For instance, The US operate different labour and tax laws compared to China and Singapore and such differences may be a significant challenge to the growth and expansion of business if they are not addressed effectively. It is quite plausible that Crystal Jade is operating its business in a number of the most flourishing economies in Asian region. Key global economic bodies such as World Bank and IMF have ranked China, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia as being among the fasted growing economies globally
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Brain Drain Essay Example for Free
Brain Drain Essay The first think that click in yur mind about brain drain is movie newyork,the thing that happened to john abrahim ,he was basically a nice person but he was torchured so much in jail that his niceness was removed ,and he became a terrorist his brain was completely drained, but u all r wrong with the assumptions. Brain drain which is also known as human_capital_flight means refers to the emigration of intelligent, well-educated individuals to somewhere for better pay or conditions, causing the place they came from to lose those skilled people, or brains. Typically, emigrating brains have learned English and move to the United Kingdom, the US or some other English-speaking country. The developed nations concerned saves her pounds and dollars on professional education and training and in the process obtains the services of trained doctors/ engineers who/earn very much more than their native counter parts and have more comfortable styles of living. There have been several efforts to define the concept of brain drain, mainly by international organisations. For example, we can read the following in a 1969 UNESCO report .the brain drain could be defined as an abnormal form of scientific exchange between countries, characterized by a one- way flow in favour of the most highly developed countries. One of the most comprehensive report the main characteristics of brain drain as follows: a) There are numerous flows of skilled and trained persons from developing to developed countries; b) They are characterised by large flows from a comparatively small number of developed countries and by small flows from a larger number of developing countries; c) In these flows engineers, medical personnel and scientists usually tend to predominate; d) The above flows have grown with increasing rapidity in recent years f) The flows respond increasingly to the changed g) The migratory trends are stimulated both by the character of national educational systems by lack and inadequate planning for the training of students from developing countries, in developed states as well as the proper utilisation of their-skills in their home country; and h) Except possibly for south America, there are no signs that the migration of talents is decreasing and there are fairly definite signs that its increase will, under present conditions, continue to accelerate. Types of brain drain Organizational: The flight of talented, creative, and highly trained employees from large corporationsâ€â€e.g. Yahoo,HubSpot,[4]and Microsoft that occurs when employees perceive the direction and leadership of the company to be unstable or stagnant, and thus, unable to keep up with their personal and professional ambitions. Geographical: The flight of highly trained individuals and college graduates from their area of residence, for instance, those migrating from the mid-western United States to the coastal states and large metropolises. Industrial: The movement of traditionally skilled workers from one sector of an industry to another. For example, jobs in the United States and other governments, also known as the public sector, have experienced significant generational brain drain as tenured boomer generation employees retire. Heightened competition for talent from the private sector and budgetary constraints have made it increasingly difficult to attract replacements f or these retirees.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Inleiding :: German Essays
Inleiding Door de druk van de publieke opinie gaan bedrijven steeds vaker rekening houden met hun omgeving. Onder deze omgeving verstaan wij niet alleen mensen die in de nabijheid van deze bedrijven wonen, maar ook het personeel en het milieu. De samenleving eist van bedrijven dat ze minder vervuilend worden en vooral ook ‘veiliger’. De overheid vertaalt deze eisen in een kader wetgeving die aangeeft aan welke eisen bedrijven moeten voldoen. De bedrijven die op het moment van het ontstaan van kaderwetgeving nog geen maatregelingen hebben getroffen om te voldoen aan de eisen worden vaak opgezadeld met hoge kosten die doorberekend worden in het product. Vervolgens blijkt echter dat de consument niet bereid is om meer te betalen voor een product. De gevolgen van deze neerwaartse spiraal laten zich raden en hebben ervoor gezorgd dat vooraanstaande strategen zich gebogen hebben over dit probleem. Zij komen over het algemeen tot de conclusie dat bedrijven door een innovatief (milie u) beleid te voeren voordelen kunnen behalen ten op zichtte van de concurrentie. Dit beleid moet een vooruitziende blik hebben in de richting van toekomstige eisen zodat op een vroeg moment maatregelen kunnen worden getroffen. Vaak blijken bedrijven hierdoor effectiever en efficià «nter te gaan werken waardoor de productiekosten vaak zelfs gaan dalen in plaats van stijgen. In jaar drie van de studie bedrijfskunde gaan wij voor het vak operationeel beheer een onderzoek uitvoeren binnen het kader van drie zorgsystemen. Deze zorgsystemen zijn veiligheids-, milieu- en kwaliteitssystemen. Het bewustzijn dat kwaliteitssystemen grote voordelen met zich meebrengen is rond 1980 ontstaan1. Dit bewustzijn heeft zich ontwikkeld tot de huidige vorm van kwaliteitsmanagement. De ervaringen die hiermee zijn opgedaan kunnen gebruikt worden om toe te passen op de milieu- en veiligheidssystemen. Wij gaan proberen deze vertaalslag te maken. Dit onderzoek zal tevens aan de praktijk getoetst worden door DSM in het onderzoek te betrekken. De theoretische leidraad in ons onderzoek komt voor het grootste gedeelte uit het verplichte studiemateriaal benodigd voor het vak operationeel beheer. De basis voor onze probleemstelling en de daaruit afgeleide vraagstelling komt uit het artikel van M.E. Porter en C. van der Linde, Green and Competitive. Hierin wordt gesteld dat bedr ijven die een innovatief milieu beleid hanteren productiever worden en daardoor beter kunnen concurreren. Er wordt in dit artikel gesteld dat bedrijven te weinig kijken naar de voordelen die een innovatief milieubeleid met zich mee brengt en teveel kijken naar de statische kosten.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an epistolary novel which tells a story about self-discovery. As given in Britannica, â€Å"Epistolary novel, a novel told through the medium of letters written by one or more of the characters.†Epistolary novel is a type of novel written in a form of letters through one of the characters. According to a post on eNotes: A genre of fiction which first gained popularity in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the epistolary novel is a form in which most or all of the plot is advanced by the letters or journal entries of one or more of its characters, and which marked the beginning of the novel as a literary form. Epistolary novel first got famous in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It is a genre of fiction in which novel is written in a form of letters or journal by one of the characters. Charlie, the protagonist of The Perks of being a Wallflower writes a series of letters to narrate his story. It is stated on essaytown: Even if presenting the reader with fictional letters, the epistolary novels of seventeenth and eighteenth century already suggested that letter writing had a therapy like effect on their fictional authors. The letter writing would act like a catharsis†¦ Charlie is called a wallflower by his friends. Merriam-Webster defines wallflower as, â€Å"a person who from shyness or unpopularity remains on the sidelines of a social activity.†People are considered to be ‘wallflower' when they are shy, reserved and unpopular. When they stay quiet and avoid talking to anyone. These people are usually introvert and have no friends. They isolate themselves for different reasons such as fears or lack of confidence. They do not participate in social activities and try to remain hidden as if they are invisible. Charlie is an introvert, a shy teenager who does not have friends and does not participate in life.The idea of self-discovery according to Encyclopedia entails â€Å"the process of acquiring insight into one's own character.†People themselves are sometimes not aware of their true nature and their desires. Self-discovery happens when they truly find themselves, who they really are and what they want. Pam M.S. Nugent describes self-discovery as a procedure through which a person finds out their true character and qualities. Charlie, as the novel proceeds, discovers hidden truths about himself, his likes, dislikes, his wants, and what kind of a person he truly is by going through a process of self-discovery.A process of looking for your own identity. To discover what a one individual has in his personality and what things are there to which a person is likely to be more inclined is called self-discovery. As per PsychologyDictionary self-discovery is a method through which a person becomes aware of his true desires and wants. Just as Charlie discovers the truth about his different behavior, his true likes and dislikes.1.1 Background of StudyI would read this novel in the light of the idea of defense mechanisms as presented by Sigmund Freud in the classical psychoanalysis. A post on Chegg Study states: According to Sigmund Freud, who developed the concept in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, defense mechanisms are a major component of personality. Freud believed that personality consists of the ego, the id, and the superego. The id is the source of instincts and natural desires; when these clash with social norms, tension arises as the superego disapproves and the ego mediates between them. Defense mechanisms respond by shifting such desires, feelings, and associated thoughts to the unconscious. The post states that Sigmund Freud considers the defense mechanisms as important part of personality. According to Freud, personality is made of id, ego and superego. Defense mechanisms according Freud respond by changing desires, feelings and thoughts into unconscious. Other than authors, psychoanalytic theory applies on characters. The theory can be used to understand the protagonist of the novel, Charlie, and his behavior better in the light of Freud's classical psychoanalysis. After Charlie's unconscious mind reveals some past memories to him, they cause some psychological disturbances. The research will focus on Charlie's characteristics, his traumas, what defense mechanisms he use against them and his journey towards self-discovery. Regarding unconscious, Freud states:Everything that is repressed must remain unconscious; but let us state at the very outset that the repressed does not cover everything that is unconscious. The unconscious has the wider compass: the repressed is a part of the unconscious. Freud argues that everything a person represses must stay in unconscious mind, but unconscious mind is not only filled with repressed memories, it has other things in it too. Charlie has repressed his memories in his unconscious mind which are later revealed. Calvin S. Hall defines defense mechanism as a way of dealing with different threats and dangers. It is a way to lessen the anxiety by using different defenses such as denial, projection, repression, regression and displacement which are discussed in detail in chapter
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Miranda Priestly OB
Locus of control: It can be observed throughout the movie how Miranda tried to control ever thing around her. Every decision taken by her was considered to be final. There is a dialogue â€Å"Her opinion is the only opinion that matters†, it show how she controlled everything around her. Self Esteem: (Tendency to rate one very high) Miranda rated herself above everyone. She likes to believe that, if it's for her then anything is possible. She never allows anyone to ever ride lift with her. A person leaves lift as soon as Miranda enters lift for her and waits for the other en to arrive.Lack of emotional Intelligence: Miranda lacks emotional intelligence. During many of the incidences she tends to ignore the emotions of the people around her. For instance when her assistant fails to book flight for her, she makes her feel very bad even though it was not her mistake. In one of the incidences even though she knew her first assistant was looking forward for the trip to Paris, and h as been dieting and planning for over months, even though she neglects her and takes a new assistant with her. She never cared to learn the name of her employee and called by any name she felt .Job Fit: She is the most job fit for her job. She has knowledge of her domain and she makes sure job is done at all cost. A famous designer displays his designs before Paris show to Miranda. He thinks it was his best work but Miranda directly rejects the collection and the designer changes his collection to receive applaud during the main show. Pygmalion Effect: The process of bringing the best out of others. Miranda always expected the best out of each and every of her employee. When a new assistant joins, Miranda pushes her to extreme always expecting the result out of her.She sometimes gave impossible task to her employee like booking flight during storm or procuring an unpublished Harry potter book. Due to her constant supervision she always brings out the best in people. Andrea â€Å"An dy' Cash land an interview with an fashion industry magazine which is names as a job â€Å"a million girls would kill for†. The job is as junior personal assistant for editor of Runway fashion magazine. Andrea is a fresh out of college and is looking for a job to jump start her career, even though he dislikes fashion industry, she accepts the job.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
20 Creative Study Methods to Beat the Studying Rut
20 Creative Study Methods to Beat the Studying Rut Sometimes you simply cant imagine studying another subject for another minute. Youve officially given up and refuse to care anymore. You have taken four final exams already and are looking down the barrel of the shotgun thats going to fire off three more finals any second. How do you progress when the thought of sitting down in front of a pile of books and notes makes you want to scream? How do you move beyond apathy to ensure you get the score you really want on that final or midterm exam? Heres how: you get creative. The following list includes 20 different creative study methods that are sure to help heal you of the study blahs. Read Your Chapter Aloud†¦ As a Shakespearean monologue. And if you really want to make it good, speak the Queens English. Everything sounds better in the Queens English. Try it: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Sounds better, right? Right.As if you were giving a presidential address. Be sure to have the unmistakable half-fist ready. And Im sure your professor would be happy to give you extra credit if you record this address and put it on YouTube. I am almost positive I heard her saying that yesterday.  In a New Jersey accent. Because, when youre here, youre family. Or else. Play a Game†¦ Like Jeopardy. Convince a really good friend or really interested parent to give you the answers to questions on your study guide. You must provide the questions. Ill take Potent Potables for six, Alex.Like Around the World. Remember that? In a small study group, one person faces off against another and moves around the group until someone beats him or her. Then, that new person moves around the group answering questions. The person who answers the most questions correctly gets a Starbucks gift card! Woo hoo! Draw†¦ Little pictures that represent key ideas in your content. Its easier to remember Maslows Hierarchy of Needs if you draw a banana and a glass of orange juice next to physiological instead of just trying to remember the word alone. Trust me on that one.The same symbols over and over. Circle the main idea in each section. Draw stars next to supporting details in each section. Underline vocabulary words in each section. Draw arrows from causes to effects in each section. Youre honing your reading skills while learning something new. Win-win.A storyboard about the chapter. Reading about the rise of FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt)? Draw a storyboard that reflects his early political career, the months before his inauguration, and FDRs three-pronged strategy to get elected. Your brain will easily remember the sequence of events much better that way because generally, pictures are worth a thousand word​s. Create†¦ A short story placing yourself in the setting youre studying. Lets say youre learning about Elizabethan England. Or the Civil War. Drop yourself right into a scene and write from first person perspective what you see, hear, feel and want more than anything in the world. Just make sure to make it out alive.A poem related to your topic. Learning Trig? No sweat. The last I heard sin and cosine rhyme. Plus, not all poems have to rhyme. Go free verse on that math. See how many of those terms you can squeeze into some iambic pentameter.A short story following a person that youre learning about. Based on what youve learned about her, what does Mother Teresa do when she discovers a mystery in Kolkata? Incorporate everything youre learning about her into the story. Bonus points if you give the teacher your story for Christmas. Sing a Song†¦ To remember a list. Its truly one of the best ways to remember the Periodic Table of the Elements, although theres no solid reason you should know them cold. Unless, of course, youre a scientist. In which case, youll be getting a quiz later.To get through a particularly tough reading passage. If you sing the passage, it may bring up different phrasing that can help you understand words you may not be getting. Still dont get it? Try one of the summary methods below. Write a Summary†¦ Of the 10 key things you must absolutely remember from the passage on sticky notes. Write them in your own words because theres nothing as silly as remembering someone elses ideas when you have no idea what they mean. Summarize in a way you can understand! Then, put the sticky notes up all around your room or kitchen or bathroom. No one else living in your house will mind. I promise.  Of each paragraph in one sentence, starting at the beginning of the chapter. That little summary of the paragraph is probably the main idea. Once you have all of the main ideas of the paragraphs, string them together into one little mini-essay. You will be floored how much more you remember of the chapter when you read this way.By turning the chapter headings into questions and then reworking the block of text beneath the chapter headings into answers. Again, use your own words when you write the summaries. Make Flashcards†¦ On apps like Chegg, Evernote or StudyBlue. Many of them will let you add pics and sound, too. Kewl.On 3X5 cards, like your grandmother used. That wasnt an insult. She actually used them. And Grandma knew what she was doing, for your information. By mixing up the kinesthetic action of writing with the visual on the card, your brain learns the info in two different ways. Boom! Teach Someone Else†¦ Like your mom. You know how shes always asking you what youre doing in school? Nows the chance to explain what youve learned in Molecular Biology. Teach her so she really gets it. If you cant explain it in a way she can understand, better hit the books again.Like the people in an imaginary audience. Pretend youre standing in front of a group of thousands who have all shown up (and paid top dollar, by the way) to hear you speak about Romeo and Juliet. Explain the details of this tragedy so anyone listening will understand that Benvolio was Romeos best friend for a reason. Be sure to include the Nurses role, too.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
TLM or Teaching Learning Materials Definition
TLM or Teaching Learning Materials Definition In the field of education, TLM is a commonly used acronym that stands for teaching/learning materials. Broadly, the term refers to a spectrum of educational materials that teachers use in the classroom to support specific learning objectives, as set out in lesson plans. These can be games, videos, flashcards, project supplies, and more. Classroom teaching that uses only a teacher lecturing the class, perhaps writing on the chalkboard or whiteboard, is the classic example of not using any TLM. Using TLM can greatly assist students in the learning process. Examples of Teaching/Learning Materials Activity-based learning employs a variety of teaching/learning materials and focuses on student interaction to learn new concepts. Context-specific learning materials enhance the process. Story Books Story books make great teaching-learning materials. For example, a middle school teacher can use a book like The Hatchet by Gary Paulson, a gripping story of a boy, 13, who finds himself alone in a desolate wooded area in Canada, with only a hatchet (a gift from his mother) and his wits to help him survive. A teacher can read this book to the class as a whole, then have students write a brief essay summarizing the book and explaining what they thought of the story. And at the elementary school level, book reports provide a great way to have students engage with the books they read, either individually or together with the class. Manipulatives Manipulatives are physical items such as gummy bears, blocks, marbles, or even small cookies, that assist student learning. Manipulatives are especially helpful in the younger primary grades, where students can use them to help solve subtraction and addition problems. Samples of Student Writing Having students write can be an effective teaching method. But students often have difficulty thinking of topics. Thats where student writing prompts can be useful. Writing prompts are brief partial sentences designed to help spark student writing, such as The person I admire the most is... or My biggest goal in life is... Just be sure to give students the parameters of the assignment, such as a single paragraph for younger pupils or a full, multi-page essay for older students. Videos In the current digital age, there are plenty of websites that offer free educational videos for kids. Videos provide real, visual images that can help enliven learning, but you need to be careful to choose videos that have real educational value. Websites that offer free learning videos include the Khan Academy, which offers videos on basic and advanced math, English grammar and literature, science, and even SAT preparation. Games Games can be useful in teaching students everything from money and grammar to social skills. Sight words bingo, for example, can help students learn their basic sight words, but there are also relatively inexpensive bingo games that teach money skills, Spanish, telling time, and even English grammar. More active, outside games such as basketball or kickball can help students learn social skills, such as taking turns, sharing, working as a team, and being a good loser or gracious winner. Flashcards Even in this age of computers and internet-based learning materials, flashcards can be particularly useful for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Printing high-frequency words, also known as sight words, on the front of flashcards with short definitions on the back can create a good learning tool for students who have auditory or visual learning styles. Model Clay Younger students, such as those in kindergarten through third grade, can learn using model clay. For example, a teacher might have young students make letters of the alphabet using clay. But you can also use clay to teach concepts to older students. Teachers have been known to use model clay to teach plate tectonics, the theory of how the Earths surface behaves. Overhead Projector Transparencies In this modern age, dont forget about the value of old-fashioned overhead transparencies. A teacher can use overhead projector transparencies to teach counting skills, such as for numbers up to 100, and visually demonstrate how charts and graphs work. Better even than a whiteboard or blackboard, transparencies allow you or students to write numbers, create problems, circle, and highlight features and easily wipe away markings with a paper towel or tissue. Computer Software and Apps Plenty of learning computer software is available online. Interactive software programs can help English language learners study grammar and other elements of the English language. And apps, such as for tablet computers and even smartphones, offer instruction in everything from foreign languages to information on the Common Core Standards as well as university-level lectures and lessons for students- many of the apps are free. Visual Aids Visual aids can be teaching tools designed for the entire classroom, such as posters showing basic site words, class rules, or key concepts about important holidays or lessons. But they can also be used the help students individually, particularly visual learners or those having difficulty organizing their work or their thoughts. Graphic organizers, for example, are charts and tools used to visually represent and organize a students knowledge or ideas. Graphic organizers can help students learn math and they are good tools for teaching special education students and English language learners.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Carnival Cruise - Case 16 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Carnival Cruise - 16 - Case Study Example These forces include threats from new entrants in to the market, bargaining powers of the customers or the buyers, threats emanating from substitutes that could be products or services, bargaining power of the suppliers, the level of rivalry among the competing companies, and the relative power of unions. The competitive forces vary from country to country in the same way that industries vary. For instance, threats of entrants into an industry are not the same in different countries and are mostly dependent on the development of the host country or the market in question. Here, there would be a higher threat from new entrants for an organization operating in the U.K than one operating in a developing country. The competitive forces have a high rating while others have low rating. First, threat of new entrants is a high rate risk for businesses especially those operating in highly profitable markets. This is because these markets have the potential to attract new firms that lead to erosion of profit making capabilities for the existing organizations. To respond to these threats, the incumbents should have pre-established entry barriers such as economies of scale failure to which profitability suffers. Second, the bargaining power of the buyers is a high rate risk. It is the idea of the buyers driving the prices down. It is a high risk especially in the areas where there are few powerful buyers. These buyers have the capacity to dictate terms that determine the prices of the goods offered. In addition, when the cost for switching to another buyer is low, then the power of the buyers is significantly low with respect to determining the prices offered. Therefore, the number of powerful indiv idual buyers in a specified market determines the prices of the products. Third, substitute threats can also be rated as high risks. This is because the existence of substitutes increases the likelihood of the customers switching to them leading to loss and loss of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Assess 'Reformasi' and the democratic transition in Indonesia Essay
Assess 'Reformasi' and the democratic transition in Indonesia - Essay Example An assessment is made of the ideals and goals of Reformasi and how these compare with the present reality. The conclusion identifies key issues facing the country. Indonesia is a Southeast Asian archipelago of over 12,000 islands, with a total population of 270 million, making it one of the largest Islamic nations in the world (CIA, 2007). A Dutch colony for over 350 years, it gained independence in 1945 under Sukarno, a nationalist leader who established a parliamentary government with him as its first President. By 1959, the government was struggling to contain three challenging threats: Islamism, communism, and militarisation. Sukarno established a â€Å"Guided Democracy†characterised by military-backed authoritarian rule, a non-aligned foreign policy, and socialist anti-modern economic policies, all of which proved chaotic and difficult to manage (Smith, 1999). Due to growing threats to peace and stability, the army staged a coup d’etat in 1965 under the leadership of Army Minister Suharto, who justified it as the only way to protect the nation from communism. Sukarno was deposed and on house arrest until his death in 1970. In 1967, Suharto was declared President and ruled Indonesia until his resignation in May 1998, succeeded by his hand-picked successor, B.J. Habibie, who initiated the period of reform in Indonesian politics. During his short term, he allowed parliamentary elections, granted independence to East Timor, and in October 1999 handed the Presidency to Abdurrahman Wahid, who in July 2001 stepped down on charges of corruption and handed power to Megawati, Sukarno’s daughter. When her term ended in late 2004, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono or SBY, a retired Army general who played a key role in 1998 became the country’s first democratically elected President (Soesastro et al., 2003; McGibbon, 2006). Indonesia’s recent history could be divided into three
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