Scientific essay writing
How To Write A Essay About A Topic
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Instruction Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Guidance Memo - Essay Example The reminder doesn't adequately explain why the activity was viewed as substantial in any case. 2. The notice neglects to make reference to the premise on which Amazon Services was really chosen. Much of the time, such administrations require somebody who has expansive information on the vessel and more likely than not gave comparative in the ongoing past or offered the open door under serious techniques. 3. An away from of any clearances just as endorsements got for the acquirement activity thought about unapproved, including the names and titles of the individuals who sanctioned the agreement. For this situation, none of these announcements is given or bearings demonstrating that it is appended. For this situation, nothing is really referenced, so it leaves individuals testing who really knew or who authorized the acquisition activity. Truth be told, what comes out resembles the creator additionally took an interest in the process just to revoke after acknowledging it would cost a ton. a. On Thursday, July 20, 2010 examination vessel endured a breaking inability to the starboard diesel motor and related running apparatus. The starboard fundamental motor overheated making harm the related running apparatus; shaft, propeller, direction and rudders. This disappointment rendered the vessel unfit to work in a protected way and crisis fixes were required. b. Tasks Coordinator discovered that crisis drydock fixes were vital and contracted Amazon Services. The vessel was securely put away for the end of the week since the work would not start until Monday, July 24, 2010 to deduce the degree of the harms and give a gauge for fix. c. A contracted chief for the vessel was designated to supervise the fix in my nonappearance. Nonetheless, upon further examination of the vessel, we found that the sum that has been concurred is as well
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Kfc Inventory and Process Management Essay Example
Kfc Inventory and Process Management Essay Manipal Institute Of Management, Manipal| OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT| KFC Inventory And Process Management| | Group 7 Section B| Roll No. | Name| Signature| 121202070| Niranjan N Naik| | 121202081| Binay Kumar Sahoo| | 121202031| Ribu Roby| | 121202050| Julian Joel Roche| | 121202120| Dhanush Patel| | 121202122| Suraj Pereira| | Submitted to: Yogesh Pai Date: 16/03/2013 Contents INTRODUCTION1 Logistics1 Inventory Storage2 PROCESS3 Cleaning4 Disposal5 Conclusion5 INTRODUCTION KFC Corporation is situated in Louisville, Kentucky, and is the universes most mainstream chicken café network. KFC and its diversified workers are in excess of 200 thousand, everywhere throughout the world. It is the world’s biggest and most well knownâ fast food eatery ideally known as chicken restautants. Their cafés are served in 109 nations and regions around the globe. The investigation is done on a drive-through eatery and the examination done on stock administration and procedure in kitchen. The examination is confined to KFC utlet present in Manipal. The reason for the investigation was to comprehend the procedure of the association and with the finish of this task we have discovered that how activities Management Strategies assumes significant job in accomplishing an authoritative objectives. The eatery follows Just In Time (JIT) and First In First Out (FIFO) to oversee stock. Stock, is isolated into three sorts comprising of Daily, Weekly and Monthly stock. The e very day stock comprises quick moving items like Krushers, Non-veg things, desserts. We will compose a custom exposition test on Kfc Inventory and Process Management explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Kfc Inventory and Process Management explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Kfc Inventory and Process Management explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Here the requests are put by the stock office consistently after the eatery closes for clients. The necessity sheets are dispatched inorder to put in the request and items are moved from stock. The week by week stock comprises of Dry stockpiling things like removal plates ; supplies and plans expected to cook. The necessity sheet is dispatched while putting request which is put each Thursday and the items arrive at the outlet to the maximum by Monday or Tuesday. The month to month stock comprises of itemized stock confirmation of the things present in the store and the items arranged off due too non utilization on arriving at the standard time are likewise recorded. The update of stock check is done by means of site and once refreshed its last and no progressions should be possible by the staff, if on the off chance that there are transforms they call up the head quarters and make the important changes. Coordinations The items/merchandise are shipped from Bangalore stockroom by means of street transport. The outlet doesn't buy from some other neighborhood sellers for any things. In normal procedure, the truck arrives at the outlet on Monday or Tuesday between 9am to 11am. Before moving the items to capacity the 3stage procedure is followed, from the outset the temperature is estimated which ought to be between (- 18oC to - 23oC) , then expiry date of the item is confirmed and finally the nature of the item is checked by means of Tell-Through machine. Anytime of the this 3steps any one stage isn't upto the measures the items are sent back to stockroom. If there should arise an occurrence of pressing stock from the time they place they take 2days to get the stock by means of dispatch. Stock Storage KFC executes distinctive capacity for various items comprising of dry stockpiling, cold stockpiling (solidified) for non-veg things, chill stockpiling and cold stockpiling for veg items. Dry stockpiling comprises of things like cleaning items, Disposable plates spoons towels, plans and so forth. The items are put away at room temperature. Cold stockpiling comprises of veg items, cold beverages, water and so on put away at temperature (- 1oC to - 4oC). Cold stockpiling fr non-veg items are put away at temperature (- 180C to - 23oC) wher the item legitimacy is 6months. More established groups are set at the front. Things are set in straightforward rack framework and quick moving things are put in a such way that they are effectively available. The items are moved in FIFO technique. Chiller stockpiling are put away in temperature of (- 1oC to - 40C). It’s a non-veg defrosting room. Stores new item and solidified item (for defrosting) is put here. Solidified item once removed from cooler can't be returned (lapse time 12 hours). Things are set in rack framework put alongside time label put with it. Procedure Here the things are moved from cold stockpiling to the chiller are set for defrosting and defrosting with room temperature of (- 1oC to - 4oC). Solidified item once removed from cooler to chiller can't be set back. When the length of 12 hours are done things/bundles are expelled out and goes to the cleaning procedure. The term of cleaning depends from staff to staff for the most part on a normal 5-10 minutes are required. After the things are cleaned, it is set in a Marinator where essential masalas are blended. The machine takes 10minutes and makes 300 pivots. When the things are marinated there is a requirement for the items to ingest the masala so they are saved for assimilation in a procedure called Aging which takes 2 hours. After that the items need to get a layer for themselves so they go through a procedure of Breading. Based on prerequisite cooking is finished. Cooking comprises of 3 kinds: Grilled, Fried and Baked. The term of things which are flame broiled is a little ways from the time it is prepared. Singed and Baked things length is 2 hours from the time it is prepared. Flame broiled and heated things are cooked in a miniaturized scale stove called â€Å"Convotherm†. After that the items are set in an oil dry machine which retains oil from the dishes which requires some investment length of 1 †2 minutes. Finally the readied things are moved to show rack where they are put in plate alongside a label which decides the time and life expectancy of the thing. There is a period guardian who keeps record of the term and expiry of items. On the off chance that any of the items are not devoured till the expiry of length there is a stage is taken to discard those food things as wastage. The removal things are recorded and afterward arranged. Its honey bee said to us that for each 1 lakh worth stock, organization sets a standard of Rs. 1000 diposal squander as free as there are each opportunity of wastage anytime of time by human blunder. In the event that at all the breaking point surpasses Rs. 000 there is a need to record it and report it to the interest director and furthermore be referenced in the month to month stock. To the extent our examination we discovered that there is a wastage of 6000-7000 for RS. 1,00,000 stock. So as to lessen the wastage and arranging things which at present is a finished waste in purpose of cost, the outlet can make a few declarations when the food things are close to their expiry expressing purchase this specific food item in matter of 15minutes and get markdown of certain percent as rebate with the goal that they could diminish the wastage and acquire certain rate as benefit rather than squander. Client joy is our bliss and any client ought not leave the outlet unsatisfied†. Things like Krushers and desserts are set up on request. The standard time once a client submits a request, the food should be conveyed in 1 moment. At present in the outlet they take 5-6 minutes on a normal to convey the request. In the event that anytime of time the food requested by client isn't arranged or is in process the staff needs to convey the food in time of 15minutes, in the event that they neglect to do so they should take each potential measures are to be taken to keep the client glad. Steps like giving chocolates to clients or a sweet grin or giving free things as complimentary and so on is finished. During the packed hours there is a need to have 1 assistant each for 3 clerks, 2 individuals taking a shot at juice and dessert segment so they can work viably and diminish the holding up time and keep the clients increasingly fulfilled. Cleaning Concealed waste are set on floor for simpler cleaning. With regards to cleaning of vessels, they follow 3 stages. First the vessels are washed with substance water and afterward Sanitized with high temp water with temperature of (32oC to 38oC) and finally they are Rinsed with ordinary and kept to dry. At present the cleaning zone has just one passageway and the request for steps are concoction wash, flush and disinfect there is a need to change this by having two passage for cleaning zone and request in consecutive request of synthetic wash purify and wash. This will diminish the matter of plates tumbling from hand and making harm while moving from synthetic wash purify. Removal Each counter has a different removal receptacle. All removal gathered in one removal unit. Removal pack is then taken to open removal zone behind the eatery to be gathered by city. Decision From a straightforward thought, and basic experience, Harland Sandards began his fantasy, that had been developed and got one of the most well known eatery among the world. Altruism picture, Loyalty, Spread, are 3 of the most significant pointers of KFC ubiquity. Efficirnt use of room and all asset has diminished their cost.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
What #midtermseason Is Really Like
What #midtermseason Is Really Like What is up, my dudes? So last week I talked about college midterms and how to prepare yourself for them. When I went back to read it, though, I realized that I was not being as transparent as to what my #midtermseason looks like. Now, not everyone finds themselves in the same situations as me, but I wanted to give you all some insight into what I experience so you can either learn from it or relate to it. That being said, I am going to be completely honest and say that MIDTERM SEASON IS WILD. I never feel more out of control in my life than when I have three exams in a week and not enough time in a day. Lets rewind to last week. I am taking 18 credit hours, which translates to five different classes. Ive taken this amount of credit hours for the past couple semesters, so I have really accustomed myself to having a busy schedule (I hate being bored which is why I try to keep myself busy). Eighteen credit hours is not recommended for freshmen though, so dont try it until sophomore year. Anyways; the point is Im a busy gal. Last week, three of my classes had exams, and the way it worked out was that I had one on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I recognized that my week was going to be busy so I did all of my homework for the week beforehand and began to study for my midterms. All I had to do the week of my exams was go to class and study. Well, I made some later regrettable decisions. I decided to go home that weekend to visit my family. I figured it would motivate me to study but I ended up oversleeping, hanging out with my mom, and being entirely unproductive. I didnt stop procrastinating there. When I returned to campus on Sunday night, I had a few hours to get some studying done, but lets be honest guys, did I? NO. I decided to clean my entire apartment. I told myself I couldnt get any studying done because all I would think about is how dirty my apartment was. So I spent the entire time I had allocated for studying on cleaning. By the time I was done, I told myself it was too late and that if I got my sleep now, I would be more productive in the morning. I think you guys get the trend now. Did I wake up early to study? NO. I slept in. I have no excuse here, I just didnt get up. Alright, so its Monday night and I havent studied enough for my exams, so what happens now? I go into panic mode. I frantically start making a study schedule for the rest of the week and I cant help but stress out even though Im the one who put myself in this situation. In the end, I lived. So I really hope you guys learn to NOT do this but I figured if youre a procrastinator like me, you guys would understand. After last week I decided to reevaluate my schedule and get myself together. Here are some tips so your midterm season does not spiral out of control. Tip #1: Look ahead Luckily, I did all my homework the week before so even though I was super stressed, I didnt have to worry about that. I would 10/10 recommend putting all your syllabi schedules into your calendar at the start of the semester. This way you can see if some weeks are going to be more stressful than others and you can plan your studying accordingly. Tip #2: Ask yourself, Am I doing this because I need to or becasue Im trying to avoid _______? Yeah, I think we all go through this every once in a while. Maybe asking yourself this will help you realize that maybe youre just making excuses. I havent tried this yet, so Ill try it and give you guys an update. Tip #3: TREAT YOURSELF Stress really takes a toll on us and I feel like we often forget to treat ourselves! After all your exams are over, go get yourself something good to eat, drink some tea, and put that face mask on. Give your self some time to chill out and ~ R E L A X ~. Ive listed some things I like to do to treat myself in case youre looking for new ideas: Take a bathLong warm showersDrink some herbal teaWatch NetflixEat Cocomero (frozen yogurt)Read a bookWatch Camp RockTake a napTake a bike rideListen to OdeszaChocolate I hope you guys learned from my bad choices, and Im sure you will soon learn how to learn from yours. Ill keep you guys updated in whether or not I actually follow through with tip two. Thats it for this one, folks! Stay sane! Julissa Class of 2020 I am majoring in Integrative Biology within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I am from Lemont, a small southwest suburb of Chicago. If you want to read about the daily life of a student on campus and get some tips and tricks in the trade, my post are for you!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
United States Involvement with Vietnam Essay - 949 Words
United States Involvement with Vietnam Although there are no specific, reasons as to why the USA became increasingly involved in the war, I can name many different reasons and aspects as to why they did. These reasons all link together in some way. These reasons range from long term to short term, and from financial, to political, and finally to full scale war. The origins of involvement can be traced back to the 19th century when the French had added a huge part of South East Asia to their already growing empire, this area was known as Indo-China. During the Second World War Japanese troops occupied this area, and it was ruled by the Japanese. The population if Indo-China didnt like being†¦show more content†¦Also In 1949 China became Communist and Russia tested their first nuclear bomb. This was important because it meant that China could become another communist superpower and communism now had nuclear weapons. By continuing to aid France the USA started to become more and more involved with the issues in Vietnam. The French needed to end the war as quickly as they could but even with massive financial support from the USA, they were defeated at Diem Bien Phu when the Vietminh put up huge resistance. France then decided to pull out. This lead to the USAs increasing involvement as France were no longer fighting the Vietminh so the USA had to take over to defeat communism to stop it spreading. Peace talks were then held in Geneva and a peace agreement was set up, dividing Vietnam into two sections, the North and the South. North Vietnam was controlled by the Communist Vietminh and South Vietnam was declared independent and was backed by France and the USA. Vietnam was intended to be reunited after elections but the USA did not allow free elections throughout Vietnam in fear of it leading to a communist Victory. This links back to the cold war, and America fearing the spread of communism and by this point America had started to get increasingly involved. AmericasShow MoreRelatedUnited States Involvement in Vietnam Essay1302 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States Involvement in Vietnam The end of World War Two was the beginning of Americas worries about Communism. They feared that it would spread throughout the countries of the world. Because of this President Truman made the Truman Doctrine. This said that America would help any nation threatened by Communism. He said that he would lead containment in the spread of Communism and the Soviet Unions expansion. The doctrine came from the USA believing thatRead MoreThe Involvement of the United States in Vietnam Essays1217 Words  | 5 PagesThe Involvement of the United States in Vietnam The single most important factor in understanding the United States involvement in Vietnam is fear. In the years leading to the Vietnam Conflict the United States was immersed in paranoia toward Communist Russia and the communist movement as a whole. This paranoia has its roots in the depression of the nineteen thirties and was fueled by the exploits of men like MacCarthy and other politicians who saw this as an opportunity to further their careersRead MoreUnited States Involvement in Vietnam Essay948 Words  | 4 PagesUnited States Involvement in Vietnam Before 1939 Vietnam was a French colony but Vietnam was divided into three areas Tongking in the north, Annam and Cochin China in the south. During World War two the Japanese took control of Vietnam. But a very strong anti-Japanese movement called the Viet Minh emerged whose leader was called Ho Chi Mihn. The Viet Mihn took over the North of the country. But in 1945 the French arrived back in Vietnam wanting their Colony back. TheRead MoreUnited States Involvement in South Vietnam1676 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States Involvement in South Vietnam It is apparent from source A that America was involved in Vietnam to maintain capitalism and to suppress communism. The writer of the source, John F Kennedy, had a high position in the US government and he makes the point that the Americans did not like communism and wanted to stop it spreading. If the red tide of communism overflowed into Vietnam, then Burma, Thailandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and Cambodia would be threatened. This shows theRead MoreUnited States Involvement During Vietnam War990 Words  | 4 Pagesconsiderably they has been involvements. For example US involvement in Vietnam war through out the1950s till 1960s. In that incidence united states supported France which was more a democratic side and rejected vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi who was known as a communist supported by Russia, and aided with the cost of the war. In 1964 the congress authorised Johnson the president to take necessary actions to prevent aggression against united states in Vietnam and bombing of Vietnam took place in responseRead MoreThe United States Involvement During The Vietnam War1514 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States involvement in the Vietnam War developed into one of the most brutal, yet necessary wars of The Cold War. Although the war was viewed poorly by most, it helped a weak, crumbling South Vietnam stand up to a strong powerful North Vietnam that was forcing communism on them. President Johnson even stated that â€Å"Our objective is the independence of South Vietnam and its freedom from attack.†The United States wanted to stop an oppressive government and to make sure the world is a saferRead MoreThe United States Involvement During The Vietnam War947 Words  | 4 Pagescontroversial. The United States in the Korean War was criticized, fairly, for its strategy, but the need to defend South Korea was never questioned. In only the Vietnam War was the United States’ very participation criticized. This is such a gigantic change with prior wars that it bears study as to why it happened, and better yet, should have it happened. This paper will discuss the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War, by asking the simple question, Should have the Untied States’ gotten involvedRead MoreEssay on Reasons for United States Involvement in Vietnam1080 Words  | 5 PagesReasons for United States Involvement in Vietnam In this essay I will be writing about why America got involved in the Vietnam War, between the 1950s to the 1960s. This was a steady and slow process with many deaths all because of communism. It was very costly and bloody. This essay will focus on political reasons, military reasons and economy reasons. Firstly the political reasons. The involvement in Vietnam started off with the cold war, when Russia and AmericaRead MoreEssay on United States Involvement in the Vietnam War769 Words  | 4 PagesUnited States Involvement in the Vietnam War There are many reasons for American intervention in Vietnam whether it is political causes, economic causes or military causes. The Americans want to secure capitalism all over the world and get rid of communism. The French used to run Vietnam in a capitalist manner. After the Second World War France attempted to secure and control Vietnam once more. France refused to recognize the democratic republic of Vietnam that hadRead MoreThe United States Involvement During The Vietnam War1729 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States involvement in Vietnam was the longest war the U.S. has ever took part in and was considered an extended military engagement due to the fact congress never formally declared war with Vietnam (FCNL). The Vietnam War began on November 1, 1955 and lasted for 20 years until April 30, 1975. The war was fought between the communist Northern Vietnamese and the anti-communist Southern Vietnamese after the country was temporarily divided by the Geneva Accords. Americas entering of the Vietnam
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis OfI Have A Dream By Martin Luther King
I found â€Å"i have a Dream†by Martin Luther King to be the most compelling speech, because I think Martin Luther KIng was very convincing and had great ponts/statements. The speech was talking about how everyone should have the same right and same amount of freedom as everyone else like it says in the Declaration of Independence First of all, he talks about how colored should have the same rights as everyone else. IN his speech he says â€Å"This note was a promise that all men,yes, Black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the â€Å"unalienable Rights†of â€Å" Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness††(King paragraph 4). This is talkin about how all mn should get Life, Liberty and the same rights meaning he believes only the rich white†¦show more content†¦King also said â€Å" And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a Dream. It is a Dream deeply rooted in the American Dream†(King Paragraph 14). In this he is saying that even though at that moment colors arent getting the same respect as everyone else but he believes that the future will get much better. Finally, Martin Luther King talks about how he nor anyone will not be satisfied/happy until people get their rightful freedom.He said in his speech â€Å"Justice rolls Down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream††(King Paragraph 11) I think he is saying that he will never give up until he gets his rightful freedom. He also stated â€Å"We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies,heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities†( King Paragraph 11). I think this is saying that they will not be satisfied until Colored will be treated the same as a white man in a public place and they have the same right as everyone else going to public places without being judged. He also said in he speech â€Å"we can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality†¦.we cannot he satisfied as long
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
John Milton Chastity Overpowering Sexuality Free Essays
Gennesis Carrion Professor Fulton 350:324 Chastity Overpowering Sexuality Even until present day, virginity is held in high esteem and considered a virtue, something sacred and worthy of praise. Being a virgin is a symbol of innocence, highly valued by religions and encouraged by them to remain so; it is something that only the bond of marriage is a worthy reason for its loss. Virginity is a symbol of purity, the intactness and immaculacy of the body and soul. We will write a custom essay sample on John Milton: Chastity Overpowering Sexuality or any similar topic only for you Order Now It represents the body has remained untouched by sexual acts and the soul has remained untainted by sexual urges; both remain unmarked by acts of foreign mind and touch. Virginity is the prominent theme of Milton’s short playA Masque Presented at Ludlow Castle [Comus]. In mentioned play, Milton confines sexuality to exist only with accordance to the sanctity of a woman’s chastity. He uses mythological allusions to support the sacredness of chastity and utilizes the character of Comus as a symbol of the malevolent factors at work tempting virginity to be abandoned for a more liberal sexuality whereas the character of the Lady is the personification of chastity. Before beginning the play, the textbook’s publisher provides some short background information in the preface. In such background, one learns Milton’s use of allegory between the characters in Masque with the Earl of Bridgewater and his family (the Egerton’s). The preface also states Masque’s â€Å"elevated conception of chastity was meant to disassociate the Egerton family from scandal†, such scandal being the Second Earl of Castlehaven’s (the brother-in-law of Bridgewater’s wife) indiscretions against his wife and female servants. This information provides readers a possible reason for Milton’s strong concern with chastity in Masque. Another possible reason could have been a commissioned purpose to aid the Earl of Bridgewater, and newly appointed Lord President of the Council of Wales, to establish a credible and respectable impression and reputation. Milton accomplished this with basing the characters of Masque off of the Earl’s children with his two sons being the brothers in the play and with his daughter being the Lady, the cherished virgin of the play, although this basis was never clearly tated thereby remaining allegorical. When readers first encounter the Lady, she has become separated from her brothers and is lost wandering through the woods. She calls out welcoming â€Å"pure-eyed Faith, white-handed Hope†¦[and the] unblemished form of Chastity†to protect her through her excursion. Her choice of aid represents her regard for chastity; she places it in alliance with hope and faith, two aspects connected to religion and of high importance. Not only does the Lady place superior significance on chastity, but she herself is the personification of it. Readers can truly comprehend Milton’s perspective towards chastity specifically in the passage spoken by the Elder Brother (lines 420-475). Within this passage, the Elder Brother speaks of the honor and power that comes with a woman being chaste; he is referring to his sister, â€Å"She that has that, is clad in complete steel†¦ no savage fierce, bandit, or mountaineer will dare to soil her virgin purity†. The Lady is chaste, furthermore she is chastity, she has the protection which being so provides. Forms of evil will avoid her for that is to how far of an extreme virginity is held, that not even evil would take the risk of violating a woman’s purity. The Lady is free to roam the forest and â€Å"pass on with unblenched majesty†. She does not have to fret or fear any that may cross her path for none â€Å"hath hurtful power o’er true virginity†. Virginity, chastity, purity are the ultimate powers, the ultimate protection for a woman against harm to her body and her soul. Continuing with the passage of the Elder Brother, he also goes on to elaborate on what occurs when chastity is lost. He refers to the physical act of a woman losing her virginity (having sex) as letting in the â€Å"defilement to the inward parts†. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, defile means to bruise or maul and defilement as the act of being defiled therefore the act of being bruised or mauled; the use of this word to describe sex gives it an animalistic twist, a savage perspective. This causes sex to be viewed as an act too undignified and somewhat immoral to be committed by humans. Even religiously, sex is only meant for the purpose of procreating life, not as a means of pleasure. The Lady, being the personification of chastity, upholds all that is pure and denounces the vile obscenities caused by liberal sexuality: â€Å"that which is not good, is not delicious to a well-governed and wise appetite†. Her logic being that to those who have faith and cherish chastity would not fall to evil temptation and sexual urges. Those aforementioned evil temptations and sexual urges are what the character of Comus symbolizes. Instantly when Comus learns the existence of the Lady, once he hears her song, he is automatically drawn to her. Comus claims to have never heard â€Å"such sober certainty of waking bliss†; the sound he has heard is that of the Lady therefore bring the sound of true purity. Comus is instinctively attracted to the Lady and proclaims â€Å"she shall be [his] queen†. This attraction is an instinct, same as good versus evil or ying and yang; it is a balance of positive and negative forces. With the Lady being chastity in corporeal form and Comus being the personification of temptation, it is no surprise for Comus to desire to conquer the Lady and make her his wife thereby taking away her virginity. No longer being chaste, the Lady would then belong to him symbolizing purity falling for temptation. Comus attempts to entice the Lady by urging her to â€Å"be not coy, and be not cozened with that same vaunted name Virginity/ Beauty is Nature’s coin, must not be hoarded/ But must be current, and the good thereof/ Consists in mutual and partaken bliss†. Comus refers to virginity as vaunted, meaning it is a trait only desired for bragging of its possession; he does not hold it in high esteem such as the Lady whom places it next to hope and faith; Comus places it next to vanity, which is a deadly sin, therefore supporting his purpose of symbolizing evil and temptation. Milton utilizes various allusions to mythological accounts to support his extreme importance placed on chastity. He even states, â€Å"Do ye believe me yet, or shall I call/ Antiquity from the old schools of Greece to testify the arms of Chastity? . An example of such is when the Lady had been found captured and the Attendant Spirit called upon the Sabrina, Goddess of the river, for assistance to release the Lady from her entrapment. Sabrina fell victim to the jealousy of her stepmother and was thrown into the river; however since she was a â€Å"virgin pure†, the sea god Nereus took pity upon her and ordered her â€Å"quick immortal change’ into a river goddess while still maintaining her â€Å"maiden gentleness†. This allusion provides evidence of the power of virginity; due to Sabrina being chaste was she rewarded with immortality and an opportunity to remain in the mortal realm and utilize her newly-appointed power to aid those maidens in peril. Also, Sabrina retained her â€Å"maiden gentleness†meaning, although she is no longer considered a virgin for she is an immortal, she remains chaste; she remains untouched and pure and â€Å"un-defiled†as Milton would suggest. Sabrina’s purpose is to â€Å"help ensnared Chastity†, a reference towards the Lady, and therefore liberates the Lady with the touch of her â€Å"chaste palms†. Milton assures he refers to Sabrina’s palms as â€Å"chaste†continuing with his constant and repetitive emphasis on the virtue of chastity. Whether the reason for Milton’s strong concern with chastity in Masque was a commissioned service or to convey personal views, the emphasis of chastity is still the main topic of this short play. With the use of allusions to mythological historical accounts and personification, Milton emphasizes the sacredness of virginity and the power it holds. In Masque, Milton creates a world in which chastity makes a woman close to, if not completely, invincible. She may roam through dangerous settings with no fear for evil itself is not courageous enough to dare place chastity at risk; she has the protection of Gods and Goddesses at her disposal if help is needed; if death were to occur, she has the chance of becoming rewarded with immortality or automatically be held in praise for having remained a virgin through life. Same as chastity is acclaimed, sexuality is denounced. Sexuality is made to appear animalistic, savage, vile, a complete dishonor. A woman who gives in into her sexual curiosity is doomed in life and considered a sinner in the next. She loses the virtues associated with chastity and becomes a victim of her own unwise decision to not hold virginity as sacred therefore constituting chastity as the dominating power sexuality must succumb to. How to cite John Milton: Chastity Overpowering Sexuality, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Law Pearson Education Limited
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Law for Pearson Education Limited. Answer: Have paid 6 basis points how many amounts they borrow it to the parents. Thecontract is nonsense (making sense of not?) (one basis point= 0.06 percent) For toyota its a free money In every business operation there has to be legal framework that guides the operation of the business. The legal framework has to be signed by all stakeholders in business such as the authorities and the company in business. The given that there was no legal contract in place between TMCC US and US tax authority the 500 million USD tax arrears claim is null and void as it lacks binding contract to Toyota. Therefore, submit that even though the US tax authority are justifying tax claims against Toyoat, based on the appearance of Toyota name in the TMCC business papers, I want to agree with Toyota that thats free money. The is no legally enforceable way that the US tax authorities can demand the 500 million USD from TMCC US because there is no contract in place, although Toyota name is appearing on the business papers. This demand by the US tax authorities will be quashed by the court of law if taken before it. (Abbott, Keith Wardman, 3-20). (Scott, Ellis, 77-38) What Entity or Location would be the best of the Central Entity? Local Regulation Wether or Not is Easy to Move Money Around. The most appropriate way to set up central entities in Europe, regardless of the nature of the local regulations on moving money around is by studying company laws on those countries mentioned. If it is necessary that Toyota Motor Credit Corporation (TMCC) centralize in Europe through the various entities identified as a matter of business strategy, then the corporation will need to ensure that the tax regime in these entities are conducive for business and avoid cases where the corporation can be wound up because of tax issues. The parent TMCC based in Japan has an objective of having her holding TMCCs whether in Europe or USA to remit income back to the group headquarter in Japan. (MacIntyre, Ewan, 9-23). As much as it is not very necessary that the local regulations is lenient to money remittance or not, it is imperative that the local tax regime is lenient/friendly to TMCC type of business in terms of tax brackets or amount charged on earnings of the company to and does not pose a threat of closure in order to clear outstanding tax arrears. In most cases its more appropriate to centralize in phases rather than at once when expanding to take care of unforeseen harsh business laws that could be lurking in various jurisdictions. Therefore it is also appropriate to study local regulations diligently regarding income remittance regulations and taxation laws. (Gillies, Peter, 7-19). References Abbott, Keith et al. Business Law. Andover, Cengage Learning, 2013,. Gillies, Peter. Business Law. Sydney, Federation Press, 2004,. MacIntyre, Ewan. Business Law. Pearson Education Limited, 2016,. Slorach, J. Scott, and Jason G Ellis. Business Law 2016-2017.
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